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Coffee 8:05 Sun Mar 17
Malaysian MH370 revisited
For any aviation buffs on here, YouTube's excellent MentourPilot channel offers an updated take on the disappearance of MH370. The presenter (and, presumably, writer as well) is a Boeing 737 captain so he does speak with insight and authority. I think this is the first video he's done on this intriguing and tragic topic and it's well worth a watch. Enjoy.


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Swiss Toni 11:23 Tue Mar 26
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
After watching this I’m 99% sure it’s Pilot suicide. The co-pilot was probably too inexperienced know how to shut off all those systems and pilot manually that aircraft. A possible hijack but where’s the motive ? Would he also be a pilot or instructive pilot know if he had turned off what he was touching to.

Once you’ve eliminated the improbable it’s the only answer.

Also as mentioned I know of many suicides where the person has seemed quite normal before committing it .

Stubbo 12:06 Mon Mar 25
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
IMO opinion all roads lead to the main pilot. I believe he was found to have flown the route the plane was diverted on on his home flight simulator on his computer.

Plus he had some homelife strife I believe. Suicide by aeroplane.

joyo 10:59 Sun Mar 24
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
I think the last thing that went through that pilots mind was the tail section

Nurse Ratched 10:45 Sun Mar 24
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
Oooh, BB has gone on 'oliday abroad. He's so sophisticated.

BBondsBootlaces 8:35 Sun Mar 24
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
Fancy focusing on the guys accent and wavey hands. How many languages do you speak? Some of you sound like you've never left the street you grew up on less travel to other countries.


pdbis 6:45 Sun Mar 24
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
It is frightening how quick those ten years since that crash have flown by(no pun intended).

Mike Oxsaw 5:44 Sat Mar 23
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
Swiss. 5:22 Sat Mar 23

If that was what I meant to say, then that's what I would have said.

Did YOU not mean "I'm still stuck on the end of your fishing rod, as all can see, and can't but help posting when I see your name on here"?

Swiss. 5:22 Sat Mar 23
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited

Mike Oxsaw 6:57 Mon Mar 18

Don’t you mean Bummi Ram airport where you want to retire to with your Thai lady boy ?

Coffee 2:31 Sat Mar 23
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
Cheezey Bell-End 2:24 Sat Mar 23

That sounds like the most likely thing.

Cheezey Bell-End 2:24 Sat Mar 23
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
I think the copilot might have gone for a dump and the pilot wouldn't let him back in. Much like that Germanwings bastard that crashed the plane in France.

goose 12:14 Sat Mar 23
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
So what happened to the copilot? Did the pilot kill or incapacitate him first?

Unless he’s in on it, there’s no way he would be compliant.

Sick fucking thing to do. If you wanna top yourself just do it, don’t take a couple of hundred ppl with you.

Mike Oxsaw 12:05 Sat Mar 23
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
It turned around well out to sea, but don't forget that was not where people heard a low flying aircraft,

If an aircraft dropping off the radar at a hand-off point wasn't enough of an event to trigger a response, an unidentified intrusion of a nation's air space should have been.

southbankbornnbred 3:32 Sat Mar 23
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
But it didn’t happen directly over Malaysia, it happened over the sea north of the coast - and almost precisely at the point where it entered another state’s airspace. At that point, it dived below radar and disappeared. Which, again, in retrospect looks like a considered move by somebody who had control of the plane.

Scrambling jets to get to the point where it disappeared would have taken a while - by which time the plane was long gone from that area and heading west (not north, where everybody thought it was going).

Impossible to say exactly what happened in the cockpit - unless the black box ever turns up. But there are enough pieces of the jigsaw to put together a half-decent picture of what happened. And it’s unlikely to involve a mysterious cargo etc.

Lato 9:20 Mon Mar 18
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
I have watched most of it. What i cant understand is that the Military must have realised it was there and changing course why didnt they send anything up to investigate? Can you imagine the difference if it happened over the UK or US!

Mike Oxsaw 6:57 Mon Mar 18
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
southbankbornnbred 4:20 Mon Mar 18

I hear you - and apparently several people heard the plane as it flew overland and, if I remember correctly, passed comment about it being an unusual time (and place) for such a low flying aircraft; I don't know about other places but where I'm planning to retire is directly under the inbound flight path for Buri Ram airport which, at the moment only handles 3 flights per day and occasional charters when there's an event on in town (generally bike or car races). Even people with very little interest in flying or aviation in general will comment on anything abnormal in the air.

Having spent several years involved in high-value, high tech contract procurement in that part of the world, a more likely explanation for the lack of a response is that the governments bought and paid for state-of-the-art radar systems, but, after everyone had their palms greased, there was only enough left to buy and install an Atari 2600; could never admit that though.

Additionally, defence forces are generally coached to think "outside the box" so the flight doing a U-turn and heading for a strategic target in the vicinity, once it "vanished", should have been higher up the list of initial possibilities. More so if it was carrying (or not) a "cargo of international interest".

However, that's tangential to the main story/explanation, which I still don't 100% buy.

zico 6:11 Mon Mar 18
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
Watched this and it was interesting to see a take with no opinions that hadn't been proved. One ting I thought though was why on earth would a plane be designed for a pilot to turn off all tracking devices? What gain for the plane or an airline is there for that? Bizarre.

southbankbornnbred 4:23 Mon Mar 18
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
So I don't buy the conspiracy stuff.

It's more likely a pilot (or, at a push, a hijacker) crashed the plane - or there was a bizarre tech breakdown.

southbankbornnbred 4:20 Mon Mar 18
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
The reason the Malaysians didn't scramble military jets immediately is because the plane dived below radar and then stayed there.

Which, if the flight took the route it is now believed it took (west, then south for several hours - before crashing into the south Indian Ocean) then it looks like a considered (and skilful) lmove. Most likely by a trained crew member. Didn't they find evidence that the captain had "flown" a similar route to nowhere on his flight simulator at home?

So the flight wasn't easily immediately identifiable. It's record indicated it was heading north, of course, hence all the checks and searches focused on the area where it first came off the radar/trackers.

Conspiracy theories abound. But the more likely/rational explanation is that the plane crashed into the south Indian Ocean after flying for several hours more than people first thought - and stayed below radar the whole time. That's indicative of a sudden loss of cabin pressure (which still requires an explanation of why it didn't crash sooner) - or a trained person keeping it out of trace.

I'm not saying cover-ups etc don't happen. But they're rare and conspiracies generally require quite a few people (protagonists) to know about them - and the co-ordination of a lot of silence. Usually something on that 'breaks' by now in the modern era.

Even Lockerbie was followed by the Brits initially revealing the most likely group behind it (Iranian-backed Palestinians) - before the Yank intelligence mob got to the Brits and the whole story changed to focus on Libya and Megrahi etc. The most likely 'real' story was already out there. It's hard to keep enormous events "that" secret in the modern era.

Nurse Ratched 3:53 Mon Mar 18
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited

I did not say he DELIBERATELY has a silly and annoying accent. It's obvious he can't help it. But he DOES have a silly and annoying accent. It sounds like he is talking at the same time as trying to swallow a hot chip.

You might not find his whirling hands distracting (hey, great for you!) but I do. Not sure it's a good idea to have his flapping mitts around all that sensitive instrumentation in the cockpit, but that's not my problem. Hopefully.

Regarding his big reveal: essentially he is making a subjective assumption about Macarie's tone of voice on a transmission and thinks it could be 'something'. Fair enough. He's not the first person to suggest he locked the copilot out of the cabin, but it's a reasonable theory.

I know people make much of the fact that Macarie wasn't showing signs of being suicidal, but the fact is that men in particular often show no warning signs to those close to them that they are going to kill themselves. I don't think it's a leap to think he would want to take people with him. Some people are horrible shitbags. That German Wings pilot did something similar.

ludo21 2:02 Mon Mar 18
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
'why didn't the (Thai and) Malaysian air force scramble to intercept it?'

I haven't watched this video yet but Isn't the flight supposed to have flow directly over an air force base as it flew West out of Malaysian airspace? I am sure I remember that from a (long) documentary I watched a while back.

Whatever happened to the theory that a cargo was on board that (the Amercans) were desperate didn't fall into the hands of the Chinese?

At the time there was a story that two CIA types had died in relation to this cargo arriving by boat in Malaysia... that cargo was then supposed to have transited to MH370. It seemed to be a credible story / theory at the time... I watched a documentary update about 12 months ago and that theory wasn't mentioned at all?

The inference to that theory was that it was made sure that the cargo / MH370 didn't reach China at all costs.

Has that theory been debunked?

Mike Oxsaw 11:41 Mon Mar 18
Re: Malaysian MH370 revisited
One of the things that I keep coming back to is that after it turned off all it's comms, it was effectively an unidentified intruder, so why didn't the (Thai and) Malaysian air force scramble to intercept it?

New York is/was not the only city with "Twin Towers".

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